Relief Staff

Schrole Cover

Henley Brook Primary School uses Schrole Cover when booking relief Teachers and Education Assistants. If you would like to undertake relief work at Henley Brook Primary School, please download the Schrole Cover App and register following the recommended steps. Once registered, you can search for Henley Brook Primary School and send a digital request to join our relief list. Please note that new relief staff WILL NOT be added to our list until we have received copies of the following documents on Schrole.

· Current Working with Children Check Card

· TRBWA Registration details and expiry dates

· DoE Screening Number

· Current CV and/or Cover Letter with all contact and banking details

Our list is reviewed annually and inactive users or staff with expired credentials will be automatically removed.

Our School Day

Our school day is structured as follows, and it is expected that relief who have been given prior notice about a job arrive by 8.00am.

The school day begins at 8:15am and ends at 2:35pm

8:10am - Gates open

8:15am - Classroom Door Opens 

8:25am - Instructional Time #1

9:35am - Instructional Time #2

10:35am - Morning Play

10:55am - Lunch

11:10am - Instructional Time #3

12:10pm - Instructional Time #4

1:10pm - Afternoon Play

1:25pm - Recess

1:35pm - Instructional Time #5

2:35pm - End of the Day